If you have no healthy teeth remaining in your upper jaw, lower jaw, or both, the process of getting dental implants may seem daunting.

There was a time when a total mouth reconstruction via implants involved upwards of twenty separate surgical wounds and took a year or more to complete. During that period of alternating procedures and healing time, the patient would be limited to soft foods, and might not be able to use any form of dental prosthesis, even for temporary cosmetic purposes.

It’s no wonder that most people in this position considered implants out of reach, and gum-mounted dentures their only option.

Thankfully, times have changed.

All-on-4® dental implants make full dental reconstruction accessible, convenient, and minimally invasive. With the All-on-4® technique, just four to six dental implants can support an entire arch of teeth (upper or lower). Eight to twelve implants can support a full mouth.

Although the implants still require two to four months to integrate with the bone and reach their full strength and stability, temporary teeth can be added to the new implants same-day. Most patients are able to resume normal life a matter of weeks after the procedure.

Start with a consultation

When it comes to maximizing quality of life, healthy, reliable teeth are a must. At Arvada Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry, we want each and every patient to feel good about theirs.

If your mouth is in need of a full overhaul, call our office to set up a consultation. We’ll take a look at what you’re working with and discuss your concerns and goals for treatment. We’ll walk you through all of your options, including All-on-4® dental implants, and what to expect from each one.

Rebuilding your smile from square one may still seem daunting, but it can actually be a wonderful opportunity. Replacing an entire arch of teeth is a simpler, more efficient process than replacing the same number of teeth in smaller sections. In the end, you’ll be able to place the same confidence in your new teeth that you would in a healthy natural set.

Advantages of All-on-4® dental implants:

  • They’re faster and more affordable than options involving more implants per jaw.
  • They’re more durable and lifelike than options without implants, allowing you to eat, speak, smile, and tend to your hygiene just as you would with natural teeth.
  • They protect you from bone loss and other long-term health issues caused by missing teeth.

What to Expect from a Full Mouth Dental Implant Treatment at Arvada Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry

The process begins with your free consultation, which includes CT scans, x-rays, and personalized smile design. You will have the chance to ask questions and discuss the procedure in detail. If you choose to proceed and schedule your reconstruction:

    • Six to eight dental implants will be placed in your upper jaw.
    • Four to six implants will be placed in your lower jaw.
    • You will be provided with a set of temporary teeth to wear while your implants are healing.
    • Once the implants have fully integrated with your jawbones, natural-looking porcelain teeth will be permanently attached using screws or dental cement.

Transform Your Smile!

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