Dentures are a classic option for treating extensive or total tooth loss. While they won’t fully replicate the function of natural teeth, dentures can make a huge difference in your ability to eat and express yourself.
Your dentures will be custom designed to fit your mouth, so you don’t have to worry about your remaining natural teeth getting in the way. At Arvada Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry, we’ll craft a personalized solution that works with your existing anatomy, not against it.
Getting your first dentures
When you reach out to Arvada Implants and Cosmetic Dentistry for tooth replacement, the process begins with a free consultation. We’ll take a 3D CT scan of your mouth, discuss your goals and concerns, and go over all your options.
Once we’ve settled on a plan for your new dentures, our onsite denture lab will get to work building a cutting-edge custom prosthesis. Your dentures will be tailored to restore your unique smile, while maximizing your speaking and chewing comfort.
Because we keep everything in-house, this entire process can usually be completed in a single day.
Repairing and replacing dentures
If your existing dentures are chafing or feeling loose, it may be time for an adjustment.
Bone loss is common among tooth loss patients, and gums naturally change shape with time, aging, and healing from injuries. Any or all of these factors can compromise the fit of once-perfect dentures.
Dentures may need to be replaced after 5-10 years, and may require several small changes within that time for the best experience.
Benefits of dentures:
- Affordable. Dentures are much less expensive than other tooth replacement options, especially in terms of initial costs.
- Nonsurgical. Except for the extraction of any nonviable teeth — a necessary step in any course of treatment — denture fittings are non-invasive.
- Minimal health requirements. Although dentures work best with plenty of healthy gum tissue and bone mass to support them, they do not require the same bone depth as implants. Also, because there is no surgical procedure involved, conditions that cause slow healing or sensitivity to painkillers are much less of an obstacle.